venerdì 19 aprile 2013

Alex Migliorino is getting ready for Canada

Alex Migliorino (the guy that hosted me in UK 2 weeks) is the friend that everyone would like to have, it's always fun to go skate and hang out with him and he skates so good tranny stuff. He's going to move to Canada next month. I think there will be time to learn more tech stuff than gnarly tricks aha. Triple XL Hoodies and new era  are going to be real for him.
In the last month my  Alex worked in a restaurant almost everyday, so I didn't see him often. Today I was so happy that he was down to film something for update the blog! So here it's what we filmed today! At the moment I don't have a camera and I won't buy one soon, I want to save money first to move somewhere, I think i'll go maybe in England, don't know exactly the city, I'm quite confused.. :(

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