mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

An year without skateboarding

The title explains everything,before start uploading posts about my life,friends and skateboarding, I want to explain what happened to me in the last year. So the 2th January 2013 I was with my friends around Catania to film and shoot photos; everything was great while a friend of mine,Ale, was hyped to film a trick on the green ledges spot in Catania.When we got to the spot he understood it wasn't possible, because the landing was quite rough and the ledges were a little bit in downhill. Last time, I don't remember when exactly, maybe it was summer, I went there trying to get a 5050 on that ledge but I didn't make it. So when I heard Ale that he wouldn't skate that spot I've got psyched to skate it and film the trick.I was so hyped! After few tries i was on that ledge trying to land it, Adriano and all the other guys were supporting me and even if the slams were hurting, I continued! I've really stucked once, but few tries after I rolled my knee very badly. I had a strange sensation,the guys got scared  and called the ambulance but before they came, while I was checking if my knee was right, my bone slided off, like there wasn't anything that was fixing it. The ambulance took me to the hospital to put a cast on my leg. One month after I did a magnetic resonance and they told me that my cruciate ligament was broken and i had to have a surgery. 

After 3 months I had the surgery but I didn't work on the rehab as much as I should have done,and I've also started skating too early (2 months after) I know I'm stupid but it's everything for me, I feel so bad when I don't skate! I should be more patient! Next month I'll move back to Sicily so is the best time to start everything again and do all the things correctly!

Stay tuned to my blog I'll tell you what will happen! 
This video is about that day, everything was filmed, unfortunately :)

CutCruizr project

I've never met Davide Cattaneo but this project he made looks so sick!

Cruisers are the best way to move from your house to a spot,unless you don't live in California you will need it to skate on the rough streets!
Go check it and support the Italian scene!

My new blog!

Hi!First post of my new blog!
I'm Giorgio Vecchio,I come from Sicily,the best place in all Italy because there are so many skate spots and  also the tallest volcano of Europe is there!i'll post some photos of it when i'll be back there,at the moment I'm living in Verona (a town close to Venice)
I've been skating for 7 years,but at the moment i can't because I've got injured badly during a filming sesh with my friends.It was so bad,but now I'm strong,ready to have a surgery and work hard to get back on board!Can't wait for that!
I decided to start this blog to share all the stuff that i like and also give my opinion.
 I'll try to update it as much as i can,promise!