giovedì 21 marzo 2013

Fallen Team in Sicily!

The fallen Sicily tour video is out check it!
In the last years, Sicily became famous for its spots, the good weather, and skate teams are still coming here, I'm so happy about that because when they get here they are impressed about the food, they think is so cheap! I'm usually a spot guide that brings the teams to the spots around Catania, I also met the Etnies Europe team, like 5 years ago! last time I brought skaters around was on february; I was with some German skaters that were on tour for a week, Pascal Reif, Philipp and Willow came here for the second time,because they know that there are so many good spots! When the footage will come out I'll post it!

Evan smith is now pro!

 Today I woke up with the fever! So I'm looking on youtube some clip that make me feel better, ahah.
This was the first post I saw when I logged on facebook, Evan Smith is the man! Love the way he skates, his style is unique, it's like a mix of tech and simple street stuff, very fast skating.. is amazing! I was impressed about the line 2:15 in the famous Berlin spot! nosebonk and then 5050 into that kind of wheelchair access! A lot of clips were filmed in Bangkok, America and Berlin, so many famous spots! I've always wanted to do skate trips, I hope one day to go to California, the place where skateboarding started! Who knows, maybe one day I'll go there.